Hello! I'm BekahHW, a developer & community creator.

Gauging Community Health

Over the last almost two years, as Virtual Coffee has formed, evolved, and solidified, I’ve spent time writing down the approach I’ve taken to community and my thoughts on what makes a community. There’s a lot of talk about metrics...

2021 Recap

I have this thing where I balance the logical part of me with the creative part of me. I’m never a better creative writer than when I’m at a tech conference. Because I dive so, so deep into the technical....

TensorFlow.js 101: Working with Models and TFHub

Models allow us to take data and make predictions, reactions, transformations, etc. There are models that work with images, audio, and other forms of data. We can do things like identify objects in images, create text from audio, and analyze...

Moms, you're carrying a lot of plates

I see you moms. You’re carrying a lot of plates. Your children. Your work. Your family. Your life. Everything. You are carrying more plates than anyone should expect to carry. I know it’s hard. I know it feels like you...

Hello, Tensor!

So we’ve been using the word tensor, just throwing it around, but now we’re going to learn a little more about it. You don’t have to understand everything. This isn’t an in depth exploration of what tensors are or a...